Silos, fans and SAFE grain ventilation
Harvest and the period of about 3 weeks after harvest is the time when the battle for grain quality takes place. Cereal grains and oilseeds. Neglect during this period causes the greatest reduction in their quality. In turn, their good post-harvest preservation allows for long storage without quality losses.
The success of good grain/seed storage depends primarily on the knowledge of those involved in post-harvest preservation. It also depends on equipping the silo or flat warehouse with appropriate devices. In particular, devices for safe grain ventilation. We try to present these two elements, knowledge and equipment, on this website. Our message and mission is to serve the good storage of grain and seeds. Especially on farms.
Purchasing just a metal silo without devices for safe grain ventilation does not guarantee that the quality of the grain will be maintained. Purchasing the metal silo itself is only the first step in the right direction. The second is to equip the metal silo with devices for safe ventilation of grain/seeds. So that a grain warehouse could be built. The lack of a second step causes many problems. We want to solve such problems.